• Bucuresti
  • Galati
  • Tel. +4 031 824 15 90
  • 1st Blanduziei Street, Sector 2
  • Tel. +4 031 824 15 90
  • 3rd Brăilei Street, 1st Floor

The Team


Iulian Cazacu


„I coordinate people for over 15 years, both in NGOs and in companies. I think if my entrepreneurial development could speak for itself, probably it would say that it was lucky to build on what came naturally to me to do; possible from here comes my personal belief that success is not defined by who you are, but what you do.”


Bogdan Achimescu

Member of the Board

„We all seak for environments where teams know how to work together. It was the first thing I found in SMART. What it gave me further was the fact that I’ve learned that no matter who supports you, you should be able to do things on your own and others have the confidence that you are doing a good job.”


Cristian Mortu

Vice-president, CFO

“As a financial expert I am used to quantify. I firmly beliefe that, ultimately, success comes down to numbers…but not the people who have generated it.“

Roxana Băjănică

Roxana Băjănică

Director Projects Department

“I can do anything. I can be anything. No one ever told me I couldn’t. No one ever expressed this idea that I was limited to any one thing, and so I think in terms of what’s possible, not impossible. ” – W.Goldberg


Ionuț Agache

Project Manager

“The same job doesn’t necessarily mean doing the same thing every time. t least not in the places where it is worth growing. For me, SMART is one of them.”


Adrian Moraru

Project Manager

“A business opportunity it is not something you find, it is something you have to develop in time. Sometimes it is all you need – a little patience”


Mădălina Popescu

Project Manager

„Îmi plac oamenii care nu se sfiesc de la muncă. Poate de aceea am pus accent pe experiența mea în voluntariat înainte să mă dezvolt prin business și am ales să învăț întâi să funcționez după anumite reguli înainte să le creez eu la rândul meu.”

Gabriel Mihaila

Gabriel Mihăilă

“Don’t aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference.” – Denzel Washington


Oana Dajbog

Coordinator of professional counseling and guidance

„Be good! Inspire people! Offer trust! Then work with pleasure and dedicate your time to celebrate success! This will give you confidence and will increase your desire to continue in your evolution! “

Elena Tetiva

Elena Tetiva

Project Manager

“Successful business leaders design a vision, articulate it, possess it with passion, and lead it to completion without stopping.”


Georgiana Tasca

“The day you will be responsible and you will not find excuses, that is the starting day that will lead you to success.”


Claudia Cazacu

“Business is always a fight. There are always obstacles and competitors. There is never an open road except for the one that leads to failure. Any great success has been achieved through battle. Every winner has scars, those who succeed are the few people who have ambition and will to develop.”


Alina Achimescu

Legal Advisor

“You can always do more if you try more. Search for the place that allows that and create the conditions for self-improvement. That’s how SMART knew how to win me.”


Victoria Guță

Project Manager

„Nu îţi coborî aşteptările pentru a se potrivi cu performanţa ta. Ridică-ţi nivelul de performanţă pentru a se potrivi cu aşteptările tale”

Valentina Bajan

Valentina Bajan

Medical Psychologist

“Every man I meet on my way is superior to me through something. That’s why I’m trying to learn something from each one. ” — Sigmund Freud

“The value of a man lies in what he gives, not in what he is able to receive.” — Albert Einstein

Alexandra Goarza

Alexandra Goarza

General Practitioner and Family Planner Advisor

“Physician by profession, a person that loves what she does, and who, with courage, trust, protection, empathy, and thirst for knowledge, wants to evolve in medical science and in soul. And who comes with all the best in support of society and patients”

Florin Coman

Florin Coman

Web Designer