• Bucuresti
  • Galati
  • Tel. +4 031 824 15 90
  • 1st Blanduziei Street, Sector 2
  • Tel. +4 0336 101177
  • 3rd Brăilei Street, 1st Floor

T.O.T – Training of trainers

Objective and location of the action: training 24 young people from Galati as trainers

The results of the action: organizing three phases of training – analyzing the CVs, evaluating the skills of the participants and the theoretical knowledge offered and the last phase in which the participants that attended the training courses also organized a training

The role played by the organization: SMART has coordinated the project and implemented the activities

Sponsor: ANSIT – National Agency for Supporting Youth Initiatives in Romania.

T.O.T – Training of trainersFINALIZAT 

Obiectul şi localizarea acţiunii: formarea a 24 de tineri din Galaţi ca şi traineri

Rezultatele acţiunii: organizarea a trei faze de training – analizarea CV-urilor, evaluarea aptitudinilor participanţilor, cunoştinţe teoretice oferite şi ultima fază în care participanţii care au urmat cursurile de formare au organizat la rândul lor un training

Rolul jucat de organizaţie: SMART a coordonat proiectul şi a implementat activităţile

Finanţator: ANSIT – Agenţia Naţională de Sprijinire a Iniţiativelor Tinerilor din România.